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Hungarian University of Fine Arts
Hungary, Budapest
Fine Arts Hungary, Hungary, Budapest
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The visual art classes work in a shared studio, each class year, under the direction of a master teacher.
The shared studio has many advantages; it creates a loving, supportive community among its members, who can not only help each other with practical matters when two hands are no longer enough, but also draw inspiration from each other by creating a lively creative discourse.

Organised exhibition visits ensure that you get to know the national and international art scene better. During your training, you can present your work at exhibitions and other institutional events organised by the department

The admission consists of two stages:

Stage 1: The selection board will view the uploaded application documents:

- a curriculum vitae in Hungarian language

- Motivation letter in Hungarian language; a letter of motivation of up to half a page describing why you chose this programme

- Portfolio – minimum of 5 artistic works; a selection of previous autonomous works, in any genre;

- studies (in any genre: e.g. sculpture, drawing, painting).

Stage 2: Admission interview: an assessment of knowledge in the field of contemporary Hungarian and international art, including not only knowledge of individual artists, but also of the art scene and its background institutions (e.g. major international exhibitions, curators, national and international galleries).
Assessment of Hungarian language skills

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