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Why choose our university?

Founded in the 19th century, the Department of Sculpture maintains a continuity between tradition and progression, which is a rarity in Europe. In addition to raising awareness of the historical lessons of sculpture, the teaching staff place great emphasis on contemporary Hungarian and universal sculptural trends. Thus, the work of the department covers the problems of figurative, abstract-nonfigurative and thematic, medial sculpture.

About the training

Active creative work is carried out in well-equipped workshops for plaster, bronze casting, stone and wood carving and metal working. After the general, foundation training of the first year, classes are organised around class teachers, “masters”. Practical studio work is complemented by history and theory courses, covering medieval studies, the relationship between sculpture and architecture, and the use of newer digital tools, including 3D animation. The work in the exceptionally well-situated Epreskert is complemented by national and international art workshops.

The admission consists of two stages:

Stage 1: The selection board will view the uploaded application documents:

- a curriculum vitae in Hungarian language

- Motivation letter in Hungarian language; a letter of motivation of up to half a page describing why you chose this programme

- Portfolio – minimum of 5 artistic works; a selection of previous autonomous works, in any genre;

- studies (in any genre: e.g. sculpture, drawing, painting).

Stage 2: Admission interview: an assessment of knowledge in the field of contemporary Hungarian and international art.
Assessment of Hungarian language skills

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