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PhDJózsef Hatvany Doctoral School for Computer Science and Engineering [Engineering Science]

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Hatvany József Doctoral School offers an opportunity toparticipate in high level research and pursuing PhD degree in thefield of informatical sciences, for candidates being interested inscientific research and development. To begin studies, a master degree,primarily from fields of informatics or electro ingeneering, is required.Participating is possible in forms of organized and individualpreparation. During the organized studies candidates get acquaintedwith the state of the art of their chosen field through studying thepublications and prepare for performing their own, supervised researchwork. Also learn methods and requirements of performing independentresearch work. They publish their results in renowned conferences andjournals. Results of the research work will be summarized in a doctoralthesis and defended during a public presentation. The doctoral school ismainly active in developing and using methods required for digitalizingthe modern industry, including utilization and developing the requiredmathematical and electronical backround knowledge.

Mrs Katalin Gergely Csire – katalin.csirene@uni-miskolc.hu

Programme structure

Read more: www.uni-miskolc.hu/en/education/doctoral-programmes/phd-in-information-science-and-technology-2/

Career opportunities

Since Computer science is at the core of research in major international companies and also many small and medium enterprises that create technologies and applications for the future, PhD graduates can easily find a position in the industry, but also at research institutes and at universities.

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