PhDDoctoral School of Military Engineering [Engineering Science]
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Doktori, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 8 félévek (240 ECTS) |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Díjak | PhD |
Kurzuskód | Engineering Science |
Felvételi követelmény | Mesterdiploma (vagy magasabb szintű) A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol / magyar. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol B2 |
Egyéb követelmények | A motivációs levél a jelentkezés kötelező melléklete. Statement by the supervisor must be uploaded The applicant is required to upload the further documents: |
További információ |
The Doctoral School of Military Engineering focuses on fields of research that are specifically related to the military application of engineering. This includes the training and preparation for scientific research in various related fields ranging from basic and applied researches and development, through technology and technology-transfer to technological innovation. In the first four semesters, courses are taken in the field of military engineering sciences for a specified amount of credit points, meanwhile the doctorate student performs research activities, for which he receives credit points as well. At the end of the fourth semester, the student takes a complex exam, where his theoretic knowledge is assessed, and his research progress is presented. After a successful exam, the doctorate student proceeds with his research for another four semesters, with a value of 120 credit points. When enough credit points are collected by the end of the eighth semester, he receives a certificate of completion. The doctoral thesis must be submitted within a year. PhD students must obtain at least 240 credit points and B2 level in two foreign languages. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a PhD degree in Military Engineering.
Entry requirements:
MSc/MA degree
Entrance exam:
Type of entrance exam:
Entrance exam location:
Entrance exam description:
An application for an organised PhD programme must be submitted to the AOC (The Academic Organisational Centre of the University) using the application form specified in the manner and until the deadline announced in the entrance information brochure. With regard to an application for an individual study programme, the publication results, equalling are least 10 publication points, of research activities must be documented. If an application is insufficient in form, the AOC calls on the applicant to provide any missing documents. If a missing document is not made available until the deadline set forth in the call for applications, the application will be turned down. Any rejection must be justified specifically, item by item. The head of the DS (Doctoral School) invites applicants who submitted applications sufficient in form to an interview (on Skype) in May. The examination of applicants applying for individual preparation is an exception to the above. The admission committee has at least three members. Its chair is the head or deputy head of the DS and its members are the head and an invited expert of the research field involved. The supervisor concerned may be present at the interview not possessing the right to vote. At the interview, the applicant’s scientific (professional) performance, previous research activities and foreign language proficiency are checked, with points awarded. A maximum of 100 points may be obtained at the interview.
Research topics for academic year 2024/2025 is availabe here:
Ms Krisztina Szabo
Doctoral school coordinator
Preparatory year available:
Specialisation year available:
Minimum number of scholarship holders:
Maximum number of scholarship holders:
Doctoral Regulation
The applicant is required to upload the following documents:
- statement by the supervisor
- research proposal
- results of scientific research, possible student groups, and publication activities so far (e.g: an article in a peer-reviewed journal)
- an official certificate from the criminal records not more than three months old or an
equivalent document in the case of foreign nationals
- a professional curriculum vitae
The duration of the organized programme is eight semesters, during which a total of
minimum 240 credits must be acquired, as well as the fulfilment of other criteria set out in
the training plan of the DS and in the SER of the DS, are mandatory.
The doctoral programme consists of two phases of 4-4 semesters.
In the first two years (education and research period), students take compulsory core
courses. At the end of the fourth semester of the doctoral programme, students shall be required to close the training and research phase by taking a complex examination aimed to measure and assess the progress made in study and research, the completion of which shall be a condition for the commencement of the research and dissertation phase.
The second two years (research and dissertation writing period) focus on doctoral research
and the writing of the thesis. After finishing this period, the PhD student has one year to
submit the dissertation.
General conditions for obtaining a doctoral degree:
1) documentation of independent scientific work, in particular publications in scientific journals, books, scientific conference publications, mostly related to the research topic of the applicant submitting the doctoral dissertation. The required academic achievement shall be evidenced by reaching minimum 20 publication points, summarised according to the score table, of which at least one must be a peerreviewed publication in a foreign language, and at least four peer-reviewed journal
publications; 2) knowledge of two foreign languages defined in the relevant paragraph of the UDHR complex state-recognized language exam (or equivalent) with a certificate
verification. One of the two language exam requires at least B1 level (basic level), the other
language test must be at least B2 level (intermediate level); Two of the languages specified in paragraph (3) of Article 22 shall be certified by a state-recognised language exam.
3) a non-Hungarian native speaker applicant has to prove at least two other language exam than his native language with state-recognized language test according to the conditions of paragraph (2);
4) obtaining the solutorium;
5) solving the scientific task independently, preparing a dissertation, creating a work of art and defending the results in public discussion.