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PHDDoctoral School of Psychology [Arts and Humanities]

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The program offers graduates in psychology, biology, medicine and other social sciences the opportunity to broaden their theoretical and practical knowledge to achieve new scientific results. Courses will cover, but will be not limited to, topics such as social cognition and social representation, psychophysiological measurements, and qualitative and quantitative research methods.
The study program consists of two separate blocks (Semesters 1-4, Semesters 5-8). During the first block, doctoral students master advanced research skills and take theoretical courses which help them to elaborate their own research plans and design their experiments. At the end of the 4th semester, students’ knowledge and research progress is assessed by a complex examination, which is a prerequisite for continuing doctoral studies. In the second block, intensive interaction between students and their supervisors is encouraged. Students are expected to focus mainly on their research, but also participate in teaching activities in order to prepare for a carrier in an academic environment. Research results have to be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences. A doctoral thesis must be submitted not later then the end of the 8th semester. After a succesful thesis defence, the applicant will be awarded a PhD degree in psychology.


1st semester
Current topics of psychology I. (Cognitive background of person perception)
Emerging domains of psychology I (Social representation)
Methods of psychological research I. (Computer aided experiment design)

2nd semester
Frontiers in Research Methodology I. (Qualitative research methods in social psychology)
Emerging domains of psychology II. (Body representation)
Methods of psychological research II (Narrative psychology)

3rd semester
Methods of psychological research III. (Advanced statistics)
Current topics of psychology II. (Social identity and minorities)
Emerging domains of psychology III. (Organizational socialization and organizational culture)

4th semester
Emerging domains of psychology IV. (Behavioral and physiological ascpects of emotion)
Methods of psychological research IV. (Psychophysiological and EEG studies)
Frontiers in Research Methodology II. (Methods of eye-tracking)

5th semester
Research seminar I.
Research and teaching practice I.

6th semester
Research seminar II.
Research and teaching practice II.

7th semester
Research seminar III.
Research and teaching practice III.

8th semester
Research seminar IV.
Research and teaching practice IV.

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