Special Needs Education
Tanulmányok helye | Magyarország, Budapest |
Típus | Bachelor, teljes idejű képzés |
Névleges időtartam | 8 félévek |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Kurzuskód | Teacher Training |
Felvételi követelmény | Gimnázium / középiskola (vagy magasabb szintű) High school / secondary education (or higher) Other documents to submit with application: A jelentkezési dokumentumokat a következő nyelveken tudjuk fogadni: angol / magyar. A iskola gyakran tud megfelelő nyelven készült indexmásolattal/kreditigazolással szolgálni. Amennyiben ez az Ön esetében nincs így, szüksége lesz hivatalos fordításra az eredeti dokumentum hivatalos másolatával együtt. Végül az egyetemre magával kell vinnie a bemeneti követelmények teljesítését igazoló dokumentumok eredeti példányát. Motivation letter |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol B2 |
Egyéb követelmények | Legalább 2 referenciát be kell nyújtania. Applicants are expected to take an entrance exam. Type of entrance examination: oral and written Aptitude exams Language proficiency test in English – written (Letter of motivation) and oral (online interview) Further details of the entrance exam: The interview takes about 20 minutes in the previously indicated and scheduled time sent by the student coordinator via e-mail. Further details of selection and evaluation: The ranking is based on a total evaluation of academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam. Results and the official decision will be announced within a month after the aptitude exam date, in the application system. |
További információ |
The Bachelor’s degree (BA) programme in Special Needs Education and Therapy
The programme is available as an eight semester full-time or correspondence training programme with 240 credits for secondary school leavers. After a general introduction to special needs education and associated disciplines (including human biology, theory of education, psychology, arts) students continue their studies in one or two specialisations from their third semester. In the last semester of the programme students participate in a long-term professional practice in institutions associated with the given specialisation. Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree programme begin their professional careers in public education institutions or in health care services, the child protection system, social care services, non-governmental organisations and institutions of the judicial system.
Contact person:
Dóra Nyaka
E-mail: nyaka.dora@barczi.elte.hu
Short description, aim of program:
The purpose of the training is to provide advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge related to special needs education and associated scientific fields to future special needs teachers. Participants of our program will possess the skills required for special needs activities in addition to specialised and practical knowledge, which will enable them to help children, young people and adults with disabilities and impairments improve their skills and functions (cognitive, social, somatic, sensory and perceptual) and to assist them in life management, rehabilitation, environmental adjustment and social integration.
This program is recommended to applicants who are interested in people with disabilities and the possibilities of providing assistance to them, have good communication, social and creative skills and are motivated to participate in a high-quality professional training. Our training program is particularly suitable for those with high levels of empathy, good cooperation and interpersonal skills, responsibility and self-awareness.
This program enables students to interpret medical and psychological diagnoses and test results, related to disabilities within their field of expertise. Our training program enables students to apply their psychological knowledge appropriately, adapting it to the needs of people with specific disabilities. Participants will be trained to implement complex special needs diagnostics, including the use of state-of-the art diagnostic tools, and design relevant, goal-oriented special needs activities and processes on the basis of medical and psychological diagnoses and test results. When designing special needs interventions, participants will be able to combine general didactic and methodological principles with specialised educational content that is appropriate for the type of disability, adapting the process to their clients’ age, ability, attitude and socio-cultural specificities. Participants will be also trained to provide complex educational, developmental, therapeutic, preventive, habilitation and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities cared for by institutional service provision systems, taking into account the needs, abilities and preferences of the persons they are working with. Using these skills, our students will be able to support opportunities for adjustment and improve quality of people with disabilities.
Special needs education for people with intellectual disabilities
This specialisation prepares students for early intervention, special pre-school and school education and therapeutic assistance in the educational field. It also prepares students for the education, training and development of children, young people and adults with intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities, as well as for the management of developmental and therapeutic activities for individuals and groups.
Special needs education for people with hearing impairment
This specialisation enables participants to perform complex tasks in the fields of paediatric audiology, early intervention, special pre-school and school education, inclusive education and training of children with hearing impairment, as well as in the field of rehabilitation of adults with hearing impairment.
Special needs education for people with visual impairment
This specialisation prepares students for the recognition of visual impairment, for the early care and intervention of children with visual impairment, and for special education and training in nursery, kindergarten and school settings, as well as for the employment and complex rehabilitation of adults with visual impairment.
Special needs education for people with physical and multiple disabilities
This specialisation prepares students for the recognition of various physical and motor disabilities, and for the assessment of children, young people and adults with physical/motor and multiple disabilities. Participants will be trained to provide early intervention, pre-school and school education, training, employment and physical education for children with physical/motor disabilities as well as to provide rehabilitation for adults with physical/motor disabilities.
Special needs education for
• People with Hearing Impairment and/or
• People with Intellectual Disability and/or
• People with Physical and Multiple Disabilities and/or
• People with Visual Impairment
One or two specialisations can be chosen in any combination from the above listed. For launching a specialisation at least 5 applicants are required. During the application process students have to rank their preferred specialisations or pairs of specialisations.
• early intervention teacher and therapist for children with disabilities (at early intervention centers)
• class teacher at a special school for children and youngsters with disabilities (according to the specialisation)
• consulting/supporting teacher for individuals with disabilities in integrative/inclusive nurseries, kindergartens, schools,
• rehabilitation instructor for adults with disabilities (at medical or social care institutions)