Megnyílt a Diszpóra Felsőoktatási Ösztöndíjprogram online pályázati felülete a 2024/25-ös pályázati körre!

Photo illustrating the news item

A teljes pályázati anyag beküldésének határideje 2024. január 31. – 14:00 (közép európai idő szerint).

We are happy to inform you that the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship online application system for studies starting in the Academic Year 2024/25 is now open! This Programme is for applicants who have Hungarian roots and live in the diaspora.

Online application system:

Please note that you can submit your application both in the Hungarian and English languages. You can switch languages in the upper right corner of the screen.

You can access the Call for Applications by clicking on the following links:

Please visit our website for further details and annexes (checklist, dos and don’ts, etc) that help you during the application process:

Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact us at

We hope to see you as one of our Applicants soon.

Best regards,
Directorate for Internationalisation of Higher Education
Tempus Public Foundation

2023. nov. 7.